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  • Writer's pictureSce Pike

Starting an AI Company in 30 Days

Starting an AI Company,, in 30 days
Starting an AI Company,, in 30 days

For all those recently laid off or looking for a change! 

Are you interested in launching a GenAI company but don't know where to start? I started a new series to share my experience with it, "How to launch an AI company in 30 days." 🚀

I've decided to journal my experience starting (still in stealth mode) and share it with all of you. AI is rapidly changing and it can be hard to keep up, but I believe there is a world of opportunity right now. 

💡This blog series is designed to help others realize the potential of AI and take full advantage of it. Stay tuned for more updates and join me on this exciting journey! 

Here is what the series will cover:

Following the GenAI White Rabbit: A Professional and Personal Journey 

Day 1: The Wonderful World of Alice - My journey begins by understanding the difference between AI and GenAI.

Day 2: Navigating the Labyrinth - The Art of Prompt Engineering - The difference between prompts and AI

Day 3: How do you monetize any of this? - Learning how to monetize AI 

Day 4: Charting the Depths - A Comparative AnalysisI'll share a detailed chart of costs and the latest advancements in AI Models -- their capabilities, navigate through their use cases, and decipher the costs of employing these powerful tools.

Day 5-10: Coming up with the idea – Where to start - Where to start? I am methodical when I try to come up with an idea. I want to understand the industry or technology. Then I move on to understanding “what does technology want,” “what do users/people want,” and “what does industry want.” 

Day 11-15: The Business Strategy - How should I get started? I’ve bootstrapped and raised venture funding for my companies before and have successfully sold them. However, for a GenAI company, where the technology and players are evolving at an exponential rate, we need a new approach. Bootstrapping – I’ll cover the pros and cons of this method and what my experience was like in bootstrapping it during the Great Recession. Venture and Corporate Venture Funding – I’ll cover the pros and cons of this method and what my experience was like in raising Venture Capital and how I eventually sold the company to ADT. 

Day 16-20: Coming up with a Go-to-Market Strategy - Marketing may seem like voodoo magic… and for some, it’s a curse word because It... Is... So... hard... However, there are ways to make the process of coming up with a marketing strategy easier by understanding that true marketing is a lot of data analysis. 

Day 20-30: Finalizing the Execution PlanThe hardest part, putting it all into action. This is where most people fall apart. You have to come up with a plan on “what, how, who, and when," but always remember the “why.” 

Bonus Day 31+ - Writing this with the help of GenAI - A Comparative Analysis of Outputs**Stay Tuned!!

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